
  • Why we do NOT offer any torrents for download.
    There are many torrents downloaded every day. Let us explain which torrents are most famous now. Highest request is for actual software, games and movies. Please remember that there are some liberal states for example the Netherlands where are Torrents and downloading torrents not so a big legal problem like in the most countries. You can understand for sure that downloading torrents or distributing them by uploads and similar way of distribution can be a big problem thats why we not offer a Read More...
  • Xbox 360 Game Downloads
    Xbox is a video game console from Microsoft that was designed to compete with Sony's PlayStation and Nintendo's GameCube. Introduced in 2001 with a 733MHz Pentium III CPU, 5 x DVD drives and custom-designed graphics processor, the Xbox also includes four game controller ports, Ethernet networking and Internet connectivity. Introduced in late 2005, the Xbox 360 dramatically increased the Xbox's gaming power with a three-core 64-bit PowerPC CPU from IBM, each core running at 3.2GHz. Its ATI graph Read More...
  • Bit Torrent File Technology
    Bit Torrent is a new file sharing technology that has taken the internet by storm. The bit torrent file sharing technology is unique because it requires that those downloading share files while uploading. This results in higher download speeds than those provided by most P2P software programs, and appears to solve the problems related to “leechers" (those that download but never upload). The technology has been around for over a year now and has continued to pick up speed as of late as its pop Read More...
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